Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
Pengalaman liburan sekolah
Aku mulai liburan sekolah dari tanggal dua puluh lima Juni sampai tanggal sepuluh. Selama liburan aku mengujungi kota bandung dan aku juga main ke rumah temanku. pengalaman yang asyik yang akan kuceritakan pertama adalah saat pergi ke Bandung. Aku pergi ke Bandung pada tanggal satu juli hari jumat. aku ke bandung bersama ayah, adik dan kakekku. Kita pergi ke Bandung menggunakan mobil. Perjalaan ke Bandung cukup jauh sekitar satu setengah jam sampai dua jam walaupun cukup jauh tapi perjalanan saya nikmati karena di mobil saya membaca buku dan makan snack - snackan.... Sesampainya di Bandung kami makan bubur ayam. setelah itu sesuai rencana kami ingin pergi Trans studio tapi tempatnya sangat ramai jadi tidak jadi deh... Tapi setelah kami membatalkan rencana tersebut kami langsung pergi menjelajahi Bandung lalu kami mampir di restoran sosis. Dan rasa sosisnya enak. Di sitempat itu aku makan dua sosis. dan satu es krim magnum. Lalu kami pergi ke hotel Padma untuk bertemu bundaku lalu kami beristirahat di hotel tersebut. Hotel tersebut berada tepat di sebelah bukit jadi pemandangan nya sangat indah. oh iya sebeolum ke hotel padma kami makan siang di restoran yang bernama Warung etnik. Di hotel saya beristirahat di kamar hotel sambil main laptop dan nonton tv serta membaca buku. saya beristirahat di hotel selama 2 jam. Sorenya kami berenang. Kolam renang tidak terlalu besar tapi pemandangan nya bagus. Setelah berenang saya mandi dan berganti pakaian. Lalu kami makan malam di sebuah restoran saya makan iga barbeque. Lalu kami pulang ke hotel dan tidur. Besok paginya saya bangun pukul 06.00 pagi dan langsung mandi. lalu saya membangunkan kakek saya dan adik saya karena saya sekamar dengan adik dan kakek saya. Lalu setelah itu kami semua sarapan di hotel makanannya lezat - lezat. Lalu kami pergi ke kawah putih. perjalanan ke sana sangat lma karena macet dan kami tidak menikmati perjalanan ke sana sangat membosankan. Sesampainya di sana kami langsung ke lokasi kawah putih dan foto - foto lalu kami pulang. Setelah itu kami pulang. Di perjalanan pulang lalu lintas lebih parah daripada saat kita berangkat tapi ditengah perjalanan kami mapir di alfa mart dan beli kebab karena sudah jam dua jadi kami sangat lapar sesampainya di Bandung kami langsung mencari makan. Setelah makan kami kembali ke hotel dan beristirahat dengan pules... Setelah itu kami makan malam di sebuah restoran. lalu kami kembali ke hotel dan tidur. Karena kami harus bangun pagi untuk keberangkatan ke jakarta supaya di tol tidak kena macet. Tapi saya tidur jam satu malam karena keasyikkan nonton film di tv. Besok nya kami bersiap dan berkemas lalu kami makan pagi di hotel lalu sekitar jam setengah sepuluh kami berangkat dari hotel untuk menuju pulang tapi sebelum masuk tol kami mampir di toko snack dan membeli brownies kukus dan snack lain. lalu setelah 2 jam perjalanan kami sampai di rumah.
Pada tanggal tujuh Juli saya pergi ke rumah sahabat lama saya. sahabat saya bernama Arkan kita sudah berteman sejak kelas empat. Kami berdua memiliki hobi yang sama yaitu mempelajari alat - alat perang seperti pesawat, Tank dan lain - lain. Saya diantar ayah saya ke rumahnya kami sempat bingung mencari rumah nya tapi setelah cukup lama mencari kami menemukannya. Sesampainya di sana ternyata si Arkan baru bangun dan lagi mandi jadi aku menuggu di ruang tamu sambil mengelus- ngelus kucingnya. Kucingnya sangat lucu. Setelah dia selesai mandi dia mengajak saya untuk main komputer lalu kami main komputer. Komputer arkan memiliki spec yang hampir sama dengan punyaku. Lalu kami main dengan asyiknya samapi jam makan siang lalu dia mengajak saya makan siang. Kami makan siang dengan ayam barbeque. Stelah itu kami main lagi samapai sore lalu sebelum pulang aku diajak makan spaghetti. Dan akhirnya jam setengah lima aku pulang ke rumah.
Tugas tutorial excel 2003
Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Tutorial - Overview
This tutorial covers the steps to creating a basic spreadsheet in Excel 2003.
Related article: Basic Excel 2007 Spreadsheet Tutorial.
Completing the steps in the topics below will produce a spreadsheet similar to the image above.
1.Tutorial Topics
2.Adding data to a spreadsheet
3.Widening Columns in Excel
4.Adding the Date and a Range Name
5.Adding formulas
6.Changing data alignment in cells
7.Number formatting - percent and currency
8.Changing cell background color
9.Changing font color
1.Entering Data into Excel 2003
Entering data into a spreadsheet is always a three step process. These steps are:
a.Click on the cell where you want the data to go.
b.Type your data into the cell.
c.Press the ENTER key on the keyboard or click on another cell with the mouse.
For this tutorial
To follow this tutorial, enter the data listed below into a blank spreadsheet using the following steps:
a.Open a blank Excel spreadsheet file.
b.Select the cell indicated by the cell reference provided.
c.Type the corresponding data into the selected cell.
d.Press the Enter key on the keyboard or click on the next cell in the list with the mouse.
2. Widening Columns in Excel 2003
After entering the data you will probably find that several words, such as Deductions, are too wide for a cell. To correct this so that the entire word is visible:
a. Place the mouse pointer on the line between columns C and D in the column header.
b. The pointer will change to a double - headed arrow.
c. Click with the left mouse button and drag the double - headed arrow to the right to widen column C.
d. Widen other columns to show data as needed.
3. Adding the Date in Excel 2003
It is normal to add the date to a spreadsheet. Built into Excel 2003 are a number of DATE functions that can be used to do this. In this tutorial we will use the TODAY function.
a. Click on cell C4.
b. Press the ENTER key on the keyboard.
c. The current date should appear in cell C4
Adding a Range Name in Excel 2003
d.Select cell C6 in the spreadsheet.
e.Click on the Name Box.
f.Type "rate" (no quotes) in the Name Box.
g.Cell C6 now has the name of "rate". We will use the name to simplify creating formulas in the next step.
4. Calculating employee deductions
a. Click on cell C9.
b. Type in the formula = B9 * rate and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Calculating net salary
c. Click on cell D9.
d. Type in the formula = B9 - C9 and press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Additional formula information:
Excel 2003 Formulas Step by Step Tutorial
Copying the formulas in cells C9 and D9 to other cells:
a. Click on cell C9 again.
b. Move the mouse pointer over the fill handle (a small black dot) in the bottom right corner of the active cell.
c. When the pointer changes to a black "plus sign", click and hold down the left mouse button and drag the fill handle down to cell C12. The formula in C9 will be copied to cells C10 - C12.
d. Click on cell D9.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 and drag the fill handle down to cell D12. The formula in D9 will be copied to cells D10 - D12.
5. Changing Data Alignment
Note: For help on these steps, refer to the image above.
This step involves using icons located on the Formatting toolbar, which is normally located at the top of the Excel 2003 screen. If it is not present, this article, Finding Excel Toolbars can help you locate it.
a. Drag select cells A2 - D2.
b. Click on the Merge and Center icon on the Formatting Toolbar to center the title.
c. Drag select cells B4 - B6.
d. Click on the Align text right option icon on the Formatting Toolbar to right align the data in these cells.
e. Drag select cells A9 - A12.
f. Click on the Align text right icon on the Formatting Toolbar to right align the data in these cells.
g. Drag select cells A8 - D8.
h. Click on the Center icon on the Formatting Toolbar to center the data in these cells.
i. Drag select cells C4 - C6.
j. Click on the Center icon on the Formatting Toolbar to center the data in these cells.
k. Drag select cells B9 - D12.
l. Click on the Center icon on the Formatting Toolbar to center the data in these cells.
6. number formatting
Number formatting refers to the addition of currency symbols, decimal markers, percent signs, and other symbols that help to identify the type of data present in a cell and to make it easier to read.
In this step we add percent signs and currency symbols to our data.
Adding the percent symbol
a. Select cell C6.
b. Click on the Format menu to open the drop down list.
c. Click on Cells.. option to open the Format Cells dialog box.
d. Click on Percentage under the Category list.
e. Click OK.
f. The data in cell C6 should now read as 6 %.
Adding the currency symbol
g. Drag select cells B9 - D12.
h. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above.
i. Click on Currency under the Category list.
j. Click OK.
The data in cells B9 - D12 should now show the dollar symbol ( $ ) and two decimal places.
7. Changing cell background color
This step involves using icons located on the Formatting toolbar, which is normally located at the top of the Excel 2003 screen. If it is not present, this article, Finding Excel Toolbars can help you locate it.
a. Drag select cells A2 - D2 on the spreadsheet.
b. Click on the Fill Color icon on the Formatting Toolbar (looks like a paint can) to open the background color drop down list.
c. Choose Green from the list to change the background color of cells A2 - D2 to dark green.
d. Drag select cells A8 - D8 on the spreadsheet.
e. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
8. Changing font color
This step involves using icons located on the Formatting toolbar, which is normally located at the top of the Excel 2003 screen. If it is not present, this article, Finding Excel Toolbars can help you locate it.
a. Drag select cells A2 - D2 on the spreadsheet.
b. Click on the Font Color icon on the Formatting Toolbar (it is a large letter " A ") to open the font color drop down list.
c. Choose White from the list to change the color of the text in cells A2 - D2 to white.
d. Drag select cells A8 - D8 on the spreadsheet.
e. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above.
f. Drag select cells B4 - C6 on the spreadsheet.
g. Click on the Font Color icon on the Formatting Toolbar to open the font color drop down list.
h. Choose Green from the list to change the color of the text in cells B4 - C6 to dark green.
i. Drag select cells A9 - D12 on the spreadsheet.
j. Repeat steps 7 and 8 above.
At this point, if you have followed all the steps of this tutorial correctly, your spreadsheet should resemble the spreadsheet pictured in Step 1 of this tutorial.
Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011
Top 5 fastest aircraft in the world
5. XB 70 "valkyre"
This is the fastest bomber ever produce. and its the only bomber can reach mach 3. It had maximum speed over 3.1 mach. its speed comes from 6x General Electric YJ93-GE-3 afterburning turbojet. each of the engine produce thrust over 28,800 lbf (128 kN) each engine, So the total thrust of the engine is about 768kn wow its so huge..
4. MIG 25 "foxbat"
This is the fastest Russian interceptor. its maximum speed reaching over 3000km/h. Its intended to intercept america fastest Spy plane known as SR - 71 blackbird & XB 70 valkyre, the only mach 3 bomber in the world. Mig 25 foxbat carry 2 R - 40 a long range air to air missile . And the engine of this aircraft is fascinating it had 2 Tumansky R-15B - 300 afterburning turbojets. It's mighty engine produce over 100.1 kN (22,494 lbf) each engine. And when the western first known the Foxbat they are terified by its speed at turbo jets.
3. Lockheed SR - 71"blackbird"
This is the fastest US spy plane, its maximum speed reaching about 3,530km/h. US designed this plane because they really need fast, strong , powerful spy plane. And it had a tactical advantage over the soviet plane. Because the only plane that can intercept this fascinating spy plane only MIG 25 foxbat & MIG 31 foxhound. The power came from its 2 Pratt & Whitney J58-1 continuous-bleed after burning turbojets. its produce thrust over 34,000 lbf (151 kN) each. So this is one of the finest revolutionary plane because when this plane was produced. Its the first plane that can reach Mach 3.
2.X - 15
This is the fastest maned aircraft ever built. It had a maximum speed of 6,72 mach. it speeds comes from Thiokol XLR99-RM-2 liquid fuel rocket engine.. T his plane is intended for only experiment plane, and to break the world air speed record.
1.X - 43
This is the fastest UAV in the world. it had a maximum speed over 9,8 mach. its power comes from its revolutionary Ramjet. ramjet is a form of airbreathing jet engine using the engine's forward motion to compress incoming air, without a rotary compressor. And ramjet connot move the plane that stand still in the ground. So this plane lauch from the belly of huge B - 52 Stratofortress.


This is the fastest Russian interceptor. its maximum speed reaching over 3000km/h. Its intended to intercept america fastest Spy plane known as SR - 71 blackbird & XB 70 valkyre, the only mach 3 bomber in the world. Mig 25 foxbat carry 2 R - 40 a long range air to air missile . And the engine of this aircraft is fascinating it had 2 Tumansky R-15B - 300 afterburning turbojets. It's mighty engine produce over 100.1 kN (22,494 lbf) each engine. And when the western first known the Foxbat they are terified by its speed at turbo jets.
3. Lockheed SR - 71"blackbird"

2.X - 15

1.X - 43

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